Based in Osmington near Weymouth Craigs Farm Dairy boast to be one of the few remaining local free range dairies. Established for over 30 years and supplying milk, butter and ice cream to local homes and many businesses. Their products can be found in many shops for miles around so those who live locally or visit will have seen their products for sale. The farm, East Farm, in Osmington is not their only farm and there is another in Church Knowle called Barnston Farm with Craigs Farm Dairy signage on clear display.
Sadly their free range effect does not extend to the badgers living on their land because they have signed up to the badger cull ! Trap’s have been found on the farm in Osmington and a well decomposed badger was found just outside a sett, the farmers have managed to spend time baiting and setting traps but not to remove the body of a badger that has been there for quite some time. These trap’s were set to kill in a field full of grazing cows and not far from a well used public footpath with some of the most stunning views in Dorset, a dirty little secret nestled on the farm hidden from all those who come to enjoy the local views and walks. Traps were also found on land by Barnston Farm in Church Knowle and these were also set to kill.
In addition to the produce they supply Craigs Farm Dairy have a farm shop and tea room at East Farm in Osmington.

They have a Facebook page which makes for an interesting read, especially a post from April 2017 where they have used a quote which includes the words “ Good farmers conserve wildlife “ if this is the case then the farmers at Craigs Farm Dairy are very bad farmers …. they are certainly not conserving one of the UK’s most iconic species !! Please let them know your thoughts on them being part of the barbaric badger cull either by phone 01305 834 591 or via facebook or website. Buying their products from your local shops, visiting their farm shop or cafe or using businesses that use their products means you are supporting the badger cull !
Their facebook page can be found here …… Caigsfarmdairy
During the Krebs trials of the late 90’s early 00’s the badger population was usually around 10-12 badgers perKm2. This would mean even without the fabled “badger population explosion” that the pro cull farmers always talk about, that if you wanted to kill 70% of the badger population, you’d need to kill at least 7 badgers in every Km2 of any new cull zone.
When the culls started in 2013, Gloucestershire was trying to kill at least 9.32 badgers perKm2, In Somerset it was 8.1 badger perKm2 had they managed to achieve that and carried on killing at that rate, the amount of badgers based at the lower Somerset population rate, just in new zones this year would be:
5,627 km2 x 8.1 badgers perKm2 =
45,578 badgers minimum to be killed IN JUST THE TEN NEW AREAS. Many tens of thousands more would be added to that for the other ongoing 21 cull zones.
The actual number they are trying to kill this year in the ten new areas is 15,182.

This video tries to explain what happened over the years and shows how year on year as the minimum targets have been widely missed, the following years the targets have been lowered to try and show the culls as “effective”.
You can find all the government data for the culls on this link.
The only thing thats been effective, is our sabotage methods, cullers are scared to go out and cage trappers don’t dare put cages on top of setts as they are too easy for us to find.
4,799 people are licenced to cage trap and kill badgers.