This is the map and contact details of those organising badger culls that The Times, The Guardian, farmers guardian and farmers weekly have been talking about recently.
All of the cull organisers in some way or another try to hide their identities, using a variety of methods, some of which are unlawful or go against HMRC guidelines. If you have any information on any of the organisers please do email
Here we reveal one of the methods the vast majority use and we ask you to report the offenders directly to companies house to complain and we’d also ask that you ring the farmers directly and ask why they have hidden behind fake company details.
Over 100 badger killers run the 40+ cull companies. Some of them have been culling for years and will have already killed thousands, others will start this year, the rest will be aiming for next year.
If you want to help out in the field or want to support a specific group working in an area, please drop Badger Action Network a note just telling them what area you live in and ask how you can help, thats on their contact page.
For telephone activism against the badger killers, scroll to below the cull company list.
Killers use fraud to hide their identities
Currently cull companies use a wide variety of incorrect SIC codes to describe themselves when registering. They have done this deliberately to make searching for them through public records a lot harder. Who could blame them for trying to hide their heinous activities? When we contacted the office of national statistics about this irregularity they told us:

As you can see from the list below, the SIC codes vary greatly, on each company name we have put a link in for you to click, this will take you through to the overview for the company, you then click “Is there anything wrong with this page?”

As you can see, this particular cull company KNCRS Limited lied and said that it was a “SIC 01610 support activities for crops”. This is fraud, they are badger killers.
So if you click and then fill out the
“What is wrong with this page?” box, we suggest copy and pasting this:
This company is a badger cull company.
The correct SIC code for this company is 01700 – Hunting, trapping and related service activities.
To do every company using copy and paste can be done in under half an hour (a lot less time than it took to compile this page!).
If you don’t have half an hour spare, please use the map to work out your nearest cull zone, even if it’s only one company, it will help.
The Lying Badger Killers:
ABCQ Ltd 99000 Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies.
ACRNSW Ltd 01629 Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding & care)
AGXTRA Ltd 01629 Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding & care)
AHOP Ltd 01629 Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding & care)
AWCN Ltd 01629 Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding & care)
BFRB Ltd 01629 Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding & care)
BHR Resources Ltd 01629 & 82990 Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding & care) & Other business support activities.
Black Control Ltd 01629 Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding & care)
BLT Logistics Limited 74901 Environmental Consulting Activities
CCCF Ltd 96090 Other personal service activities
DCX Services Ltd 01629 Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding & care)
DDF Ltd 96090 Other personal service activities
DSDD Ltd 01629 Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding & care)
DWCE Ltd 93199 Other sports activities (not including activities of racehorse owners)
Environment Clear Ltd 74901 Environmental Consulting Activities
Ever Autumn Ltd 01629 Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding & care)
Exton Care Ltd 01629 Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding & care)
FAPC Ltd 74901 Environmental Consulting Activities
Fru Serv Ltd 01629 Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding & care)
GF&B Ltd 01500 Mixed Farming
Isca Vale Ltd 01629 Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding & care)
JRD Westcountry Ltd 01629 Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding & care)
KNCRS Ltd 01610 Support activities for crop production
LMWDC 01629 Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding & care)
Lime Environmental Ltd 01629 Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding & care)
MNTNC Ltd 01629 Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding & care)
MPL Solutions Ltd 01629 Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding & care)
PJRN Ltd 01629 Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding & care)
RCFT Ltd 01629 Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding & care)
SCFM Ltd 01500 Mixed farming
Stour Seafaring Company Ltd 01629 Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding & care)
T&G Stone Ltd 82990 Other business support service activities
Tor Group Ltd 01629 Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding & care)
Violetcountry Ltd 82990 Other business support service activities
WGW Ltd 01500 Mixed farming
Willseedton Club Ltd 01629 Support activities for animal production (other than farm animal boarding & care)
The 4 cull companies that haven’t lied to companies house using a fake code, include the only original cull company still in operation, HNV Associates. These all use SIC 01700, they also all hide their real contact addresses. We believe that the public should know where the badger killers reside, so that anyone can make their feelings known to them. Just zoom in to our map and click, their details will be revealed.
CWA Ltd 01700 Hunting trapping and related services
HNV Associates 01700 Hunting trapping and related services
TCF Ltd 01700 Hunting trapping and related services
WFWT Ltd 01700 Hunting trapping and related services
We would like to ask people to contact the cull directors and tell them your thoughts, if you prefix your calls with 141 then this blocks your numbers from being seen. Many of the cull directors block calls from withheld numbers. The safest way to remain totally anonymous, and get through to farmers is to buy a cheap phone and put a new payasyougo sim into it. It’s a small investment to make knowing you can tie killers up for hours.
If you want to use your own phone but want to put a new sim in it to call and text from, then be aware that every phone has a unique IMEI code, this code is transmitted with calls and texts, so if you use any phone that has ever been contracted to you, you could in theory be tracked down. However, if you remain polite, calling people to ask questions is perfectly legal. In fact there has been a legal ruling on calling badger cull farmers.
Claims of harrasment & intimidation were tested in court In 2015. The Information Tribunal Judgment made it crystal clear that: “Politely contacting cull participants is perfectly lawful protester activity”.
The current harassment laws require “a course of conduct” so where it’s perfectly lawful to ring a cull farmer once, ringing them multiple times could be construed as a course of conduct. There are 118 company directors, so contacting all of them once and asking them questions is perfectly lawful. As the NFU pointed out:
“We understand not everyone agrees with the policy. But anyone who calls farmers and their families with the aim of causing them distress is committing a criminal offence.”
To find phone numbers, click on the pointers on the map.
Other tactics used by anti cull activists in the past, include playing the badger badger song down the phone:
They’ve also downloaded tor browsers so as to remain reasonably anonymous (used in conjunction with a vpn for more security) and then searched the internet for:
call back request
added to this a term like:
ppi, finance, injury claim etc etc
By inputting farmers details it generates masses of unwanted calls, making their vital cull communication even harder.
To make cullers lives particularly hard, you can adopt a “phone jacker” element to your protest. This is basically making up stories to engage the person, but could go further and involve encouraging them to do something like ring up a company to cancel an order or contact the local council/trading standards/defra/nfu/apha/natural england/rural payments agency as a matter of urgency over the badger cull or some other farming issue.
By giving them correct phone numbers for those organisations, you potentially tie cull farmers up in knots for hours. They also won’t know who to believe when they do get legit calls.
Answerphones are particularly good for this, leaving messages like “Hi it’s D**** from Mole valley farmers, can you give me a ring back about your order please” are difficult to ignore in case they are real. You can use online voice simulators for this, just type your message press the play button. Don’t forget to use a tor browser for extra security when doing online activism.
Another classic is using a mobile phone to text landlines, the sms/text rings the phone and is delivered as a voice message. You cannot use 141 to hide your caller number. So it’s essential to at the very least use a new sim and better a phone with no contract connected to you. See above.